Tactical Exploitation: Attacking Windows & Unix
Instructed by Alex Testa
This four-day course introduces a tactical approach that does not rely on exploiting known vulnerabilities. Using a combination of new tools and lesser-known techniques, participants will learn how hackers compromise Windows and Unix systems without depending on standard exploits. The class alternates between theory and hands-on testing, providing students with an opportunity to put their new skills to the test. Course content features the latest security practices including Windows 2016 and additional WMI-based techniques.
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Learn the following key skills:
A windows based virtual machine is provided for each student to connect to via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

In-Person Hybrid (In-Person & Live-Online)
2024 - TBA
4 days, 32 hours
Penetration Testers, Detection and Response Staff, System Administrators and Developers
See course outline for details.
Why choose the Center for Cyber Security Training
Interactive, classroom-based learning
Subject matter experts
Trusted by US government agencies
Alessandro Testa
Alex has been a Security Researcher, Pen Tester, and Developer for Attack Research, LLC for over 5 years. He has over 20 years of experience in private sector development and security research. Attack Research is a boutique computer security consulting firm which is devoted to a deep understanding of the mechanics of computer attacks. Industry specialties range from embedded systems, avionics, and automotive to government, financial, and Fortune 500 enterprise environments.

Excellent presentation, information and demonstrations! The 'war stories' and examples discussed during the class are valuable for industry leaders/managers.- Neil S., US Navy
Want more information?
Download the Tactical Exploitation: Windows/Unix course outline now.
Upcoming Training Sessions
March 27-30, 2023 (Hybrid) October 2-5, 2023 (Hybrid)
Classes are limited.
Enroll Now.
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